Saturday, May 12, 2007

Judgment vs discernment

tweedle-dee (whoever you are)
that's a toughie

The answer is this...

yep, there it is. Hope you enjoyed that.

I really don't know. I think you make a good point, but for me where I am right now and what I'm in and who I'm with and what flavour ice-cream I want to paint my walls with... judgment needs the kick more that discernment needs the push.

I'm all for discernment.
I hope I marry someone with a lot of it
ha ha ha ha - funny on so many different levels!

I know there's a need to discern alongside a need to recognise Christ as the only one qualified to judge.
(I still hold by my argument that I speak the wrong language - issues with 'words' would be easier in German... maybe, I don't really know)
I reckon if i listen to God and do what He says life will be okay

Right now He's saying, 'rach, stop being judgmental'

hoo roo
*moch actually agrees with me on this*


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