Friday, March 09, 2007

things, things and stuff

missio dei...
am struggling with that. Am planning to chat with my lecturer next week. he was making jokes that I can't handle the concept 'cause I'm used to 'missio Collinsio'... butt-head

he's so right.

he's so bald.

and that was a cheap shot

am learning all about the cheap shots at College

in all honesty though, the 'missio dei' thingo (my understanding is that it's the concept of all mission being planned, instructed, enabled and powered by God).... *I will understand this better after chatting with baldy, I'm sure* is grouse, it's perfect, it's theologically correct, it's beautiful, it's flowers and hugs and bunnies...

and I have an issue with this... and a full head of lush, shiny hair.


naturally pre-disposed to beauty, I reckon... And why the issuio with the missio?

me... it's all about me. I don't care about other people.
If mission is from God,
by God,
all about God and
where the crap does RACHAEL FREAKIN COLLINS fit in?!?!?!?!?!?

(please don't take this too seriously - I'm processing)

I'm going to go brush my hair.

Good night!

God bless you all with lush, lush, shiny hair.

(Can you die from an overdose of cheap shots?)


Blogger Rhonda Hayes said...

I love your honesty! We have done a full week of studying Mission this week, and I have a bit of an issue as well. Ok, my issue is not that we have to do the whole Missio Dei thing, that's fine. My issue is that sometimes we can concentrate on social justice and not bring God into it. We can use the excuse that it's social justice, so it has to be part of the Missio Dei. But anyone can do the social justice stuff, what is it that makes our involvement in this part of the Missio Dei?

7:50 AM  
Blogger Casey said...


7:00 PM  
Blogger sixonefour said...

i seem to recall a time gone by when you were just as baldy mcbalderson as your lecturer...

don't let 'em fool ya though, you've got all kindsa good stuff planted in you from other types of training you've got under your belt. you've done 'the stuff'. i've seen you do 'the stuff' so I know what i'm talking about.

grood grace,

2:29 PM  

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