so my back was a wee bit out of line. one vertabrae a little twisted or somethin somethin. Anways, it wasa giving me the bothers.
So I saw a chiro. Never wanted to, always thought they were a rip and I'd have to see one every second day beginning with 'T' or ending with 'Y' for the rest of my life!
Not so! Not so indeed!
My chiro is an awesome man of God and even gave me mate's rates! (praise the LORD). So it took a couple of sessions (also had to break up some fun scar tissue on my pelvic joint... I think i just gave too much away)... but I'm healed.
Back's back in line, scar tissue's been shown the door!
Thank You Jesus! Thank You for miraculous-super-quick-only-prayer-necessary healing! And Thank You for painful-had-to-pray-fervantly-due-to-the-ouch-Hands-On healing!!!!
Praise the LORD, He is worthy to be praised!