Saturday, June 11, 2005

Jesus is a champion

Just thought everyone should know that. Hoping that a fair chunk of you already do. Hey, did you know that 'bags not it' is an Australianism and non-Australians don't actually understand it??? Considering my audience... probably yes.
Anways, (told you it's the new word)have cool shiny stuff in my pockets to show you.
I used to say "this too shall pass" when things sucked.
Then, during my yr 11 and 12 exams, it morphed into "this too shall pass, whether or not I will - is the question!"
I thought it was pretty funny... and I'd say it like John Cleese so that made it sophisticated and funny at the same time... and I'm kidding myself... Monty? Sophisticated????
Anways, after growing up a little bit, I realised that my Daria-esque cinicism wasn't quite as cool as I thought it was - as the 'comment' was always made not with cheer, but with a dark-undertone of hopelessness... that I thought was amusing at the time - not so!!!
So I stopped saying it - was coming out of identity crisis and 'trying' to embrace my natural disposition toward chirpiness and energy and silliness (that I had loathed all these years).
Had a thought just now though - was reading Dougie Burr's blob (what a champ) and he was quoting some stuff and this little saying jumped into my head again in a very different light.
Instead of bleh, my life sucks - when am I gunna die already? it was more like - whoah, eternal perspective!!! This world will pass away! I'm gonna be with Jesus in Heaven at some point!!! Marnz said the other day that the most perfect things here on earth are only carppy copies of stuff in Heaven! WHOAH!!!!!
And not only is heaven cool, you can almost take the concept of our acknowledging our temporal lives to gaining a new urgency to reach out with the Gospel and share the love of Jesus more fervently!!!
okay, maybe it's a bit much, but I like it and I'm sticking to it. I need all the encouragement I can get when it comes to the 'neccessity' of saving the world - and doing it quickly. I'm VERY prone to ignoring the inevitable righteous judgement of God and thinking that my friends and family are okay 'cause they're 'nice people'. Ew, is such a wrong thing to think.
God, give me revelation and urgency!!!!!!
Jesus, you're an absolute champion! Let me watch you work and be open to Your invitation to join You and become more like You in the process!

sorry - this was a lot longer than i thought it would be

and I'm done!
God bless yaz and I love yaz and all that good stuff


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