Thursday, June 08, 2006

feeling spaced out

lift me up to Jesus

God save/bless the celebrities, specifically

Josh Groban
Tom Hanks
Philip Seymor Hoffman




Blogger Aurora said...

SO i was lifting you up and saw you in a blue shirt...
but seriously,
Jesus, I pray for Rachael that she will be held in your hands so close that she will know in her innermost being that she is in the safest place she can be...totally wrapped up in her abba's arms. Show her all the people that love her and have been praying consistently for her. Show her all the people that look up to her, and have been growing through her friendship. Show her who it is you've made her to be and give her renewed vision in that, that she will continue to press in to what You have for her, and continue to live off of the bounty of your spirit. (sorry, rach, but I had to put in a little pirate word somewhere...seriously, who says 'bounty' anymore?...but, back to praying for yah...) Holy Spirit, you are her healer, father, mother, annointer, giver of good gifts, filler upper, and vision caster. May she get to know you even more intimately now than she ever has before. May she continue to embrace your Spirit, and chuck the lies of the enemy into the burning dungheap destined for destruction. (I was gonna say shitpile, but then I thought better of it.) May she have eyes to see what YOU'RE doing in her life, in her friends, in her city, and all the places you send her from here. May she continue to have ears to hear YOU'RE voice, and a willing heart to trust you and move with you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

6:56 AM  

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